Mates’ Rates
Do you offer ‘mates rates’?
Or have you done it before and lived to regret it? 🥴
The truth is that mates rates almost always go wrong!
Either because you feel shafted by being completely underpaid.
Or because the supplier (if you’ve accepted mates rates from them) offers a bit of a lame service (because they feel shafted!) but now you can’t complain because you haven’t paid properly. 🤯
It’s a slippery area, that’s for sure. And it rarely ends well!
Which is why this vlog shares my favourite tips on how to handle requests for mates rates in a professional but assertive way so nobody gets shafted!
Have a watch and let me know what you think
#matesrates #pricingstrategy #justsayno #businessmentor #smallbusinessadvice #taylorytips