
“When I attended one of Paula’s business planning workshops, I did so to try and gain clarity & direction on what I really wanted to achieve with my business. I got so much out of that day that I signed up to work with Paula 1 to 1. Working with her has literally changed my life. I went from juggling two businesses, family life with two kids and an lifestyle that didn’t help my health to one business, a healthy lifestyle and a happy family. Thank you Paula!”
Louise Marks, Fanattik
“I have too many fabulous things to say and it 100% won’t fit in this small box, but I will have a good go! Paula is flipping superb! She has stuck with us through thick and thin and is one of our most dedicated cheerleaders. We treat Paula like the fount of all knowledge and there’s a very good reason for this, because she is! She is prepared to be honest and give us the feedback we need in order to succeed, even if we don’t always love it 🙂 Paula is WAY more than a business coach, she is a mentor, a friend, a supporter and someone who consistently goes above and beyond, who doesn’t want all of that rolled into one! Paula will change your business and your life in the process. Don’t waste another minute, get in touch with Paula now! ”
Emily Leyland, Fresh Perspective Resourcing

“So….Paula helped me take control of my business, my sanity and myself and has achieved the impossible. Coaching the uncoachable. I’d already sacked one business coach when I asked Paula if she could help me. To say it’s changed everything is an understatement. I ‘thought’ I was doing OK doing my own thing, setting my own goals and holding myself accountable. Incorrect. Paula has helped me and my chaotic entrepreneurial brain through the worst and the best times in my business. If only I had discovered her sooner. Please don’t hire her. I want to keep her all to myself. Only joking. You’d be mad not to. ”
Helen Pritchard, Blue Sky Digital Marketing
“Working with Paula gave me the time and space to think about my own business rather than everyone else’s. She asked some tough questions which have helped me to turn my business around and back on the track it should be on. She also helped me to reset some of the expectations I place on myself, which were unrealistic and unhelpful. I would definitely recommend her as a mentor and business coach. ”
Michael Godsmark, Woodville Accountancy

“I started working with Paula in June, and she immediately spotted the weak spots in my business. To my surprise… It was me. See I have a bit of a squirrel brain, lots of ideas and not enough time to do it. I love to learn new things, test and try them, which means that I often lose track and get overwhelmed by my projects. Paula has helped me focus on the products that bring me most joy and that serve my clients the best. I am less overwhelmed by goals with no meaning, projects that are a just a distraction and I am now consumed in building the right business for me and my future. And, the best part is, my brain hurts less as a result. ”
Kelly Doorne
“I have been working with Paula since the end of 2017. I find the clarity offered by an outside pair of eyes and the accountability offered by Paula to be incredibly powerful. What I didn’t expect was how uncomfortable developing my business would feel for me. Happily because of the dynamic Paula and I have, I have been able to be completely honest about this, and thankfully I am normal (or at least in this regard). I am sure if had tried to grow my business without Paula on my team I would have felt discouraged, and maybe I would already be settling for good results and not pushing for great results. ”
Richard Leeder

“Paula is ace. Her no nonsense approach to business helped me to put systems in place that improved the way my business worked and flowed. She always came up with new ideas, things that I hadn’t thought of myself but that were so obvious to someone with Paula’s experience and knowledge. If you are looking for a business coach that will get you moving then I highly recommend you work with Paula.”
Jo Howarth

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