The time management myth
I had a fabulous week last week bringing 2 new clients onboard who I’m VERY excited to be working with. Two very dynamic ladies with interesting plans that I can’t wait to support.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll talk a lot about their goals, and their successes so far. And somewhere in amidst all that they’re bound to chip in at some point with … “but I’m terrible at XYZ”
Because let’s face it – we’re sooooo good at listing all the things we DON’T think we’re good at, aren’t we?
And you know the one I probably hear the most often. It’s time management. So many people tell me they’re absolutely terrible at time management.
But guess what – we’re ALL terrible at time management. Because there’s no such thing!
It’s just a myth, and a massive stick to beat yourself with as a result.
“But Paula, what on earth are you talking about, and what can I do instead?” – I hear you cry!
The secret is all about SELF management. Because managing time is physically impossible. An hour is an hour and you’re absolutely powerless to change that. But what you have absolute control over is what you DO with each of your hours.
Whether you choose to be distracted (OOOh look a squirrel! 🐿️) or to try and work for way longer than your concentration can cope with. Whether you invest time into proper planning. And then STICK to your plan. Or just wing it every day!
All of these are things you have massive influence over. If you choose to act upon it.
I know this is a huuuge area for so many people building businesses, so I thought it was time to re-share some of my favourite tips to help you stop faffing, and start really focusing on your business.
So, watch today’s video, choose one of my 4 tips that really resonates with you, and make that a real focus for the next 2 weeks. You’ll be amazed at the progress you can make. I’m absolutely certain of it.
Of course if you’re reading this and squirming in your seat because you know you’re an absolute master when it comes to faff and distraction,take a look at the ways I can help you here:
Do it today though. Don’t add it to your mahoosive ‘getting around to it’ pile 😉