Are You Blocking Business Success
Are you playing small?
Are you really bloody good at what you do, but you squirm at the thought of telling somebody else that?
What if you could be absolutely confident that success is right there for the taking … but you just need to get out of your own way?
You’re not alone you know. Us Brits are born and raised to hide our lights under our bushels (even though we’re not actually sure what our bushel really is!) We’re taught to be polite, have decorum, only speak when we’re spoken to and a million other things that encourage us to play small.
Now you might think I’m going to go all guns blazing about visibility, or blowing your own trumpet or shouting from the rooftops about how amazing you are this week. But I’m not. Because that’s all outward stuff. All of that is either encouraged or massively hindered by all our internal hoo-har.
Activity, confidence, and actions all start from the inside. So this week … I’m going in! 🤓
You see … one of the biggest barriers to your success is your internal dialogue – you know that cheeky little voice that’s always chattering away as you go about your business. Sometimes it’s happy and excited and telling you how much you’re enjoying something. But more often than not it’s a scare-mongering doom-forecasting catastrophiser extraordinaire!
Psychologists have shown that about 80% of our internal conversations are negative. And even more interesting – around 95% of those internal conversations are constantly repeated.
What that means in business is that you’re almost certainly telling yourself (repeatedly!) that you’re nowhere near as good as you are.
Maybe you tell yourself that you’re terrible at selling. Or that you hate it. Maybe you talk yourself out of increasing your prices because you have secret internal messages swirling around about what you’re worth or how brilliant you don’t think you are.
Perhaps you hold back from changing your services or launching new ones because you keep telling yourself no-one would be interested. Or perhaps you struggle to convert prospects because you find it hard to take the credit for the brilliant results you’ve achieved for other clients. Because that inner voice keeps telling you that what you did was nothing, or was just a tiny part of their success, when actually you were pivotal to everything.
So my tip this week is all about understanding the power of your subconscious brain. Because it’s your subconscious brain that sets your confidence level and influences every action you take. And if you’re repeatedly sending it negative messages, you can absolutely guarantee that your subconscious will keep you good and safe by making sure you continue to play small.
The thing with this though, is that you’re doing EVERYONE a disservice. You’re depriving yourself of the success you deserve (because you really ARE bloody good at what you do) but you’re also depriving your potential customers of their success too by limiting their opportunities to work with you.
So please watch this video to learn more about how all of this fits together and to hear my tips on how to start making changes so you can finally bring your light out from behind the dark mystery bushel and help more customers to achieve the success they deserve too.
And if this all hits a nerve but the thought of making changes feels hugely daunting, just send me a message to book in a call and let’s have a chat about how I can help you change the narrative and change your success too.