How many exercises have you done to help you identify your Ideal Client, your Avatar, your Client Persona, your Dream Client and 14 million other titles?

Have you done it and found it fantastically useful?

Or do you still find yourself wondering what the point is?

Because Sauvignon drinking Sarah from Scunthorpe is still not falling over herself to buy from you!

I often find that people have done this work several times but still question why and what the real value of it is.

It all seems to make perfect sense at the time. But a few weeks later you’ve lost touch with why you did the work and you’re struggling to see how it actually helped!

Which is why my recent vlog explained EXACTLY what to do with all that juicy information.

It does NOT tell you how to identify these people. Because you’ve already done that until you’re blue in the face!

It tells you how to actually USE all that knowledge to persuade beer drinking Barry from Bognor that YOU are the person he needs to buy from!

I’d love you to watch this and tell me if it helps you.

What do you really think of Ideal Client work though – essential and valuable, pointless and time-wasting?

Or somewhere in between?

#IdealClient #IdealClientAvatar #BusinessTips #SmallBusinessOwner #TayloryTips

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