How much do you actually like your customers?
And have you noticed any difference in the results your most liked clients get?
Do the clients you really gel with get better results from working with you?
It’s easy to underestimate the value of connection in business, but when you choose to work with people who you feel a really solid connection with, then your business feels more exciting and more fulfilling.
Which is why your ideal client doesn’t need to be called Trevor, have 3 cockapoos and drive a fiat 500.
But he does need to be somebody who gets the feeling from you that you really ‘get it’.
Because that’s what creates connection. And that’s what attracts brilliant clients!
My recent vlog explains how to attract clients that you feel really connected with so if you feel like this is a struggle for you have a nosy.
But now tell me… what kind of quirky traits do your clients have that makes you really enjoy working with them?

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