Overcome The Overwhelm
I had a bit of an urgent exchange of messages with a client this week who was feeling massively overwhelmed by her gigantic to do list, combined with a distinct lack of the 75 hour days that she would actually need to get through everything!
I’m never quite sure whether my clients love me or hate me at times like that. Because I can almost always see something quite simple they can do to massively ease the overwhelming pressure, which I’m sure makes me quite annoying! 😂
When it’s you that’s stuck in the middle of that spiral though it can be sooooo hard to see the wood for the trees can’t it? It’s so easy to feel swamped by it all and beat yourself up, saying things like:
Maybe I’m just not cut out to run a business!
I’m never, EVER going to get everything done!
I’m so much worse at this than EVERYONE else!
Of course that’s all drivel. But it doesn’t feel like that when the waves of overwhelm are dragging you under yet again!
The thing with overwhelm though is that it’s absolutely inevitable. It happens to all of us every so often (yes even me, the beacon of perfection that is Coach Cohen! 🤣) So, it’s OK to feel like that. It DOESN’T make you incapable or weak.
It just means you’re too busy and things have got away from you.
The key is to recognise when this is happening and have a few techniques up your sleeve to deal with it quickly. Because the really irritating irony of overwhelm is that when you’re feeling that way you’re likely to be far less focused and productive and your business plans and goals will be out of the window.
So you need to be able to recognise it and combat it … straight away, no delay!
Which is why this week’s vlog is unsurprisingly all about the reasons you’re most likely to feel overwhelmed and the specific (and surprisingly easy) step you can take to overcome it and get back to cracking on with all your juicy plans.
So please watch this week’s video and let me know which part resonates most strongly with you.
And of course if all this talk of overwhelm feels horribly familiar and you know that a bit of outside support could help you to finally combat it, take a look at the different ways I can support you here: https://taylory.co.uk/how-i-can-support/