Do You Have A Plan?
I went to the gym last week for the first time in months. Don’t get too excited though – when I say I went to the gym what I really mean is that I did a lap of the car park, couldn’t find a parking space and came home again! 🤣
Because just like a bazillion other people I’m on a quest to be fitter and healthier this year. But how many of that bazillion will stick at it beyond the end of January, or at best the end of February?
And really, that’s just like business, isn’t it? The world and his wife are currently putting the final details to their epic plans for the year. Bring on the millions, and the global domination – we’ll all be minted before you know it!
Unless of course you start the year with the best of intentions but quickly find that your plan is overwhelming, unrealistic or impossible to stick to. So often the plan gets pushed to one side because of the daily pressures of running a business and before you know it, you’ve forgotten you even wrote a plan!
Planning is easy. Sticking to the plan, definitely not so easy!
So that’s why I walk you through a series of easy steps in this week’s video that you can work through to make sure that your own brilliant business plan is achievable and straightforward this year.
I know that one of the biggest challenges at this time of year is wanting to do everything. But when you see everything as a priority then you don’t actually identify anything as a priority so nothing gets done. It’s hard to decide to put things off when you’re feeling really eager and full of energy but trying to do everything at once will just turn you into the January gym bunny.
All guns blazing for 3 weeks is NOT a strategy that will help you create consistent growth through the year.
So this year I’d love to help you take small consistent steps throughout the year, that will accumulate into big successes over the course of the year.
One of my other quests for this year is to build stronger, deeper connections with my network. I feel like I’ve lost some of that since I closed my Facebook group, so I’d really love to hear back from you with your thoughts on this post, and any requests for future content. And don’t be too surprised if I reach out to you personally to suggest a chinwag to put the business world to rights over the next few months!
To find out exactly how I can help you grow your business this year take a look at the different ways I can support you, then use the website contact page to arrange a chinwag with me now:
Oh, and don’t forget to watch this week’s video too! It’s dead good, I promise. 🤣