Business Growth Tips
I want to have a juicy conversation with you today about your attitude to money, and whether it’s driven by fear or optimism. And then share how your attitude might be limiting your chances of business growth. Or opening up some great possibilities.
Money stuff. It’s always so emotive, isn’t it?
But let’s ease our way into that by veering off at a slight tangent first, because I want to share some of my own recent thoughts and revelations with you. Don’t worry, there’ll be no photos of what I had for dinner last night or deep searching questions about my favourite biscuit! Because nobody needs revelations like that!
I have a routine that I go through as I start to write each of these emails. It’s a set of 5 questions that I picked up in an email writing course hosted by the brilliant John Holt a couple of years ago. Now I know you’re chomping at the bit to hear all 5 but giving all of John’s gems away really wouldn’t be cool would it!
I will share the first one though because it’s one of those great questions that you can skim past in 10 seconds, or you can really sit and ponder over and uncover some great nuggets.
So John’s first question is – ‘why are you writing this email?’
And the 10 second answers are – ‘because I write an email like this every Friday for my awesome followers’ or ‘because my VA, Kylie is nagging me for it – again!!’ 😉
But there’s nothing particularly helpful in either answer is there? Although I should add that Kylie’s epic nagging is the sole reason this email comes to you so consistently every week. I respond very well to nagging!
It’s also really easy to go with the obvious answers for anyone sending regular emails – to generate leads, and / or to share value.
But the power in the question is going deeper, so for me it’s asking what that value looks like. And that’s not about me showing off my knowledge or gaining guru status. It’s not about what’s valuable to me, the more important question is – what’s really valuable to you?
So, my purpose in writing this email is to share practical, implementable tips that inspire you to get off your a*** and take some action.
And for that action to lead to improvements in your business. I want to genuinely help you grow your business through these emails, not just build a great big list and generate loads of sales (although you know I’d be a total liar if I said I wasn’t hoping for a bit of a knock-on effect there!)
So, with that rambling confession sorted, let’s get back to talking about your attitude to money.
I’m not talking here about ‘money blocks’ or ‘money mindset’ because those things aren’t my sweet spot. But money strategy is definitely something that’s worth your time to consider.
Because essentially, your attitude to money will be reflected back to you in the performance of your business and in the behaviour of your prospects and customers. If you’re obsessive about every single penny you spend then you’ll naturally attract prospects who are worried about money and who will struggle to make the commitment to work with you – even though they can see you’re the best thing since sliced bread!
And if you always pay your invoices on the last minute, or even slightly late, then you can guarantee that your own customers will do the same. And that’s a vicious cashflow circle you really want to avoid.
So this week’s vlog explains more about how to understand you own attitude to money, how to recognise the impact that’s having on your business, and what you can do to help that money flow much more easily in your direction.
Of course, if this is ringing alarm bells the size of Big Ben with you, take a look at the different ways I can support you here:
And please feel free to forward this email to a friend who you know needs to shake up their own approach to money and attract lots more of it!