The Importance Of Continuous Learning
When I was young I was a voracious reader. It was a great way to learn pompous words like ‘voracious’ 🤣
I used to love the chance to transport myself to different places, and I would get totally engrossed in a story, reading for hours.
I’m sure you won’t be surprised to know that I have about 37 bazillion business books in my office. I have to rearrange the cupboard every so often just to fit them all in! But I don’t always find reading for the sake of learning about business that easy.
Sometimes I struggle to switch off enough to properly concentrate on a book. I’m a dab hand at needing to read the first few pages at least 3 times before any of it actually sinks in.
And that’s something I see with a lot of my clients. They often want to read more (or listen to audio-books) but struggle to focus on it, or of course to find the time or energy to dedicate to learning about business.
And then the other thing I see is the big moral dilemma about learning. Does it really count as work or as business? Can you really justify reading during the day when you should surely be doing work for clients, or marketing your own business, or getting lost down the inevitable rabbit hole of social media?? 🐰
Well yes, it’s absolutely definitely a key business activity because it’s all about the future of your business, and your growth potential.
Finding The energy for learning about business is the perfect Catch 22 situation. So often you’ll struggle to find the energy to learn when your mojo is flat. But by investing time in learning you’ll kickstart your mojo – if only you can actually find just enough energy to get started!
My best advice is to make this a regular business task. Put something in your diary every week to keep you on track, maybe even make a learning plan for the next few months that covers all the things you really wish you knew more about.
Because the thing is – learning about business isn’t trivial, self-indulgent, or time-wasting. The impact of learning can be mahoosive for your business development. It’s not just about finding new things to implement, or doing things better. It’s also about sparking your creativity, triggering new ideas, boosting your inspiration, doubling your mojo, and all sorts of other juicy things.
If you’re feeling a bit flat or uninspired in your business, taking some time to learn about something new (or reinforcing that you already know what you’re doing!) can be just the energy injection that you need.
If this sounds like a great idea but you’re still not sure how to fit it in or stick to it consistently then get in touch and let’s have a chinwag about how I can help you get focused and moving forwards.