Want Your Business To Grow?
It’s amazing how things work in cycles in business. How the same conversation can crop up over the course of a few weeks with numerous clients. Even when those clients don’t know each other!
And my hot topic at the moment is mojo. Specifically, business mojo.
I’ve talked to quite a few people recently who are feeling like they’ve lost their business mojo.
You know those times when everything just feels like hard work? It’s all a bit of a chore and an energy suck rather than bringing you excitement, fulfilment, and energy. ☹
Of course, my first answer to this is always that you probably need a holiday. Because let’s be honest – nobody can ever have too many of those can they?
A holiday isn’t always possible though. And if the mojo dip is something deeper than just being cream crackered then you need to look for some longer-lasting changes that are going to help you rediscover your oomph.
And one of the best ways I’ve found to do that is to identify something about your business to ditch. Because as you grow your business the natural inclination is to constantly add things:
More marketing
More services
More spreadsheets
More customers
But more doesn’t always mean better does it?
More can often just mean that you become spread too thinly. And when that happens, things you used to enjoy or find easy can suddenly seem draining and difficult.
So, my challenge to you this week is to think about something in your business that you’re still doing but you’re not sure why. Something that you think you’re supposed to do but that doesn’t deliver value. Something that’s a ‘just in case’ activity even though it hasn’t been needed for the past 8 bazillion years.
I’m pretty sure you have ideas, opportunities or advances that you’d love to be able to focus on in your business. Well, one way to free up the space to make that happen is by ditching the mojo-sapping, ineffective tasks that no longer serve you.
I’ve explained more about this in this week’s video so take a look and let me know what you think.
And if you love the idea of ditching things from your mahoosively overloaded schedule but you feel as though everything is critical, take a look at the different ways I can support you here, then use the website contact page to arrange a chinwag with me: https://taylory.co.uk/how-i-can-support/you spot the wood for the trees!