“Why aren’t more people buying from me, Paula? Why don’t they seem to get it?”
This was a conversation with a client last week.
She was in that position of talking to prospects who she would’ve loved the opportunity to work with. She could see instantly how she could help them. She knew her service was really good value for a business in their position (she could’ve made them truckloads of cash frankly!) 💰 They SHOULD have been buying.
But they were just meh. Whatever. We’ll take some time to think about it. We’ll have to talk to the rest of the management team / the wife / dog / goldfish – you know the drill!
And let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. When a great prospect who you absolutely KNOW you can help just doesn’t get it. And they dither and waver and faff. They basically do absolutely anything to AVOID buying from you.
Even though you absolutely know that it’s in their best interests to buy from you. Arrghghgh!! 🤬
So why, oh why, oh why does this happen?
Well, let me tell you!
Firstly, I can reassure you that it’s NOT your product or your price. Unless your marketing is completely off whack and you’re attracting totally the wrong people of course!
Those moments where people who should understand what you’re offering just don’t get it tend to come down to one of two reasons.
You’ve bamboozled them with detail, so their tiny brains are completely overwhelmed. They don’t get it because they can’t decipher the 3 volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica you’ve just downloaded on them! It’s impossible for them to make a buying decision because it feels too complicated for them.
You haven’t talked about the value you can bring. Yes, you’ve explained the what and the how and the when (probably at least 3 times) but you’ve skirted completely around the results you’re likely to deliver.
Because you hate bragging and showing off. It’s just so slimy isn’t it?
And you don’t want to promise them an exact result (£10k months anyone? 🥱) because you have more integrity than that.
But as a result, you’re leaving the potential outcomes too vague. By hiding your light under the proverbial bushel (anyone know where that is yet??) you’re leaving the customer to make assumptions about the potential impact if working with you.
And your prospects really need to feel confident about the potential results they’re likely to see through working with you if they’re going to feel confident enough to buy from you.
Soooo … this week’s vlog goes into this in more detail and explains how each of these two flaws in your approach are probably losing you business.
But don’t despair, because both can be improved pretty quickly to help lots more prospects easily decide that they really should be buying what you’re selling.
If that feels overwhelming though and you’d love to have someone to guide you through this take a look at the different ways I can support you here: https://taylory.co.uk/how-i-can-support/ 😍