Well, the festivities are over, the days are getting longer (at last!) and New Year’s resolutions are falling by the wayside faster than the purple ones in a tin of Quality Street!

This is such a great time of year for fresh starts, excitement about new ideas, and determination to make this THE year. You know THAT year when you really get your s**t together and do amazing things in your business.

So, this week instead of sharing a business tip, I’m sharing a king-sized opportunity instead. 👑

And without wishing to sound too much like a mahoosive ego-maniac … it’s all about me! 😁

I’m not a spammy, constant-pitcher as you know. There’s always a quick mention of my coaching services as a P.S. to these emails, and you get reminders about my planning day every so often. But, as I’m forever telling my clients, people have to understand what it is you offer if they’re going to make the decision to work with you.

So this week’s video is a more in-depth explanation of my coaching services for 2025 with a few prompts about exactly how each service could help you in your business, so that you can decide which one is the best option for you right now.

Feel free to steal this idea and send out something to your own amazing subscribers so they too can be inspired by your brilliance! 😉

But before you do that please take 5 minutes to watch this week’s video. And if you’d like to know more about any of my coaching services for 2025 you can book a chin-wag with me here. It definitely won’t be a sales pitch because frankly I can’t be ar**d with that! 🤣 

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