The kudos of TED TALKS
I’ve found myself talking a lot recently about TED talks. They’re something I love as a source of inspiration or a quirky new perspective or idea. I’ve been along to 3 different TEDx events as a spectator, I’ve sponsored one via our networking group Referral Team, and I’ve even spoken at one myself. Get a load of me!
I genuinely think they’re all awesome events that really get you thinking. They’re challenging, uplifting and thought-provoking. They can help you think differently about business, or about life in general, and that can only ever be a good thing, can’t it?
I love the inspiration that TED talks create so I’d absolutely recommend you go along to your local event if there’s one near you. And there are a lot more of them than you think these days so that’s a strong possibility.
I’m such a fan that I’ve been talking to 3 of my clients recently about how a TEDx talk could help them in their business, because there’s no question that becoming a TEDx speaker brings lots of kudos and credibility with it.
It’s also a very public way to shove you right out of your comfort zone!
I can still remember standing at the side of the stage before my talk, trying not to hyperventilate before I got out there. I was massively grateful that I was second on, and that I didn’t have to wait the whole evening just getting more and more nervous.
I worked with the amazing Catherine Sandland, Speaker Coach to refine my talk and I can say with complete honestly that what Catherine helped me create bore almost no resemblance to the waffly, lightweight outline I started with.
She forced me to work in a way that was the absolute opposite of my usual free-flowing, vaguely scripted, semi winging-it approach. I found that excruciating. But incredibly impactful so it definitely worked.
That was quite a lesson for me in being open to new ways of working and being willing to accept that sometimes other people really do know better.
Anyway … after all these conversations about TED talks, it struck me that I haven’t shared my own Talk with you for aaaaaages!
So this week’s vlog isn’t a vlog at all … it’s a look back at my TEDx Talk. And let me say, without wishing to sound too much like a raging egomaniac, that it’s good. It’s something I’m really very proud of and something that I hope has some really useful advice for anyone watching.
So please do go ahead and watch, and I’d absolutely love you to leave a comment on there with your feedback.
Aaaand I’d love you to email me back with a link to your own favourite TED talk because I love unearthing new ones.
Happy watching!
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