Are You Ready To Delegate?
I finally feel this week like I’m starting to get back into my business groove. And I definitely mean nice smooth groove, not dangerous pot-hole ridden rut!
I’ve been on a Visibility Strategy & Planning Workshop today with the brilliant Sarah White and I loved being a delegate instead of a coach for a change. I’m forever ranting on about focusing on your own business ahead of prioritising all your clients constantly, so today felt fantastic to actually do that for my own business for once.
January is, of course the classic planning month. Unless you’re one of my clients who did the planning with me in December so you could be primed and ready right at the start of January instead of waiting until halfway through. 😉
So today it seems only fitting to talk a little bit about planning your year. But I want to encourage you to think about planning things differently this year. Because what most people do is plan everything THEY can do. And then hope that somewhere down the line they’ll be able to work out how to get some help to offload things when it gets too busy.
But by then you’ve developed your own way of doing things, you’ve become an expert in every detail, and you’re convinced that nobody else can do any of this stuff as well as you can. You’ve trapped yourself into being the King / Queen / Unicorn of low value ‘stuff’. Ouch!
So, my advice this week is to start the year with a determination to work at the right level. To focus on high value, high-skill, income-generating, expertise-demanding activities.
To strip back your own workload as much as possible, so that you’re ONLY doing the things that ONLY you can do.
And before your inner control-freak kicks in, I can tell you that about 75% of the things that you think only you can do, are easily things somebody else can pick up for you. Yes, it might mean they need some training. And you might need to write some processes or create some checklists. You’ll need to think about tracking, accountability, deadlines and other lovely things like that.
But imagine being able to delegate or outsource 75% of your current workload.
Imagine how much time you’d have for business development, for focusing on the right prospects, and for delivering a top-class service.
Imagine how much your business could grow.
And imagine how differently you’d feel if you consistently worked like a business owner rather than a general dogsbody!
If you’re determined that this is the year you’re going to step things up in your business and really push for growth, one of the biggest things that needs to develop is you.
It’s time to stop getting in your own way. Stop hanging on to tasks that you enjoy and find easy, and start raising your level of responsibility and ownership. Be the CEO. Instead of the Chief Everything Officer!
To find out exactly how I can help you do that take a look at the different ways I can support you here, then use the website contact page to arrange a chinwag with me: