Do you have your prices clearly laid out on your website?
Do you mention them every so often in your social media so that people know what it costs to work with you and whether that fits their budget?
Or do you prefer to talk about price 1-to-1 rather than being so public?
And maybe your pricing is all bespoke so it’s too hard to show it online?
I’m a mahoosive believer in transparent pricing. It helps to break down barriers, scare away tyre-kickers, and means no-one has to jump through hoops to find out whether they can afford you or not.
So it seemed to make natural sense to film a vlog about the costs of business coaching. Not just my own, but industry ‘standards’. (And I’m using that word very lightly!)
I may have also slipped into a bit of rant about some unscrupulous habits in the coaching industry so it’s worth watching just for that! 😂
#transparentpricing #coachingcosts #pricing #businesscoach #taylorytips