Energy-Stealing Clients
I had a brilliant time last week down in Birmingham for the first ever TubeFest, a ‘conference’ dedicated to becoming brilliant at YouTube. It’s fair to say that my YouTube channel has a LOT of improvements to make.
I really love the buzz of live events and all the ideas they spark.
There’s just a small matter now of needing to block out a chunk of time to go back through all my notes and turn them into a proper action plan, rather than leaving them in my notebook to gather dust!
One thing that makes it easier to get to events like this, is being selective about who I work with. I deliberately don’t work with energy-stealing clients, or with k***heads! 🤣
It’s easier to say that than do it though. Because you don’t always know at the beginning whether someone seemingly lovely is going to turn into a massive energy-stealing time vampire once they let their true colours show.
It’s why one of my clients has a client s**t list which we regularly review so they can actively re-educate or part company with high-maintenance, low-appreciation customers. Don’t get me wrong, my client constantly wants to keep helping these customers. Whereas I’m a right nag who has to open their eyes to what a negative effect these customers are having on their whole business.
I can say with 1 million percent certainty that every time I’ve convinced them to ditch a client they’ve realised very quickly afterwards that the customer was just a massive energy-stealer.
Ditching them isn’t easy though is it? Because you’re a good person who wants to help. And you don’t want to be snooty and up yourself and say that you’re too good for certain clients do you?
And the reality is that while you’re in the thick of working with people like this you can’t always see how negative they are. You don’t see that they’re spreading that negativity throughout your business and seriously holding you back.
But once you see the light afterwards it’s bloody marvellous isn’t it?
And, of course, this is why this week’s video shares a set of steps that you can take with your energy-stealing customers so that you can improve the working relationship with them and make them much lower maintenance and higher satisfaction – for you as much as them!
So please have a look and I’d love to hear back from you about your own experiences with energy-stealing clients.
And, of course, if this hits a real nerve with you but you’re not sure how to put a plan together to change things then take a look at the different ways I can support you here: