Do You Take Responsibility?
Does your business ever feel like a non-stop roller-coaster that’s impossible to get off?
That the harder you work the less you somehow get done?
You know that, on the surface everything looks good, and you’re hoping that you’re holding it all together enough so nobody can tell that it feels like absolute carnage behind the scenes?
What if I told you that YOU absolutely have the power to change all of that. And that’s it’s simple to do.
It’s not easy (very little in business is, despite all the gurus that guarantee you bazillions for sitting on your arse all day!) but it’s do-able.
And I’m not going to suggest you just hustle and grind a bit harder either because that drivel is definitely NOT my bag!
No, none of that cookie-cutter advice here, thank you very much.
What I want to talk to you about instead is what it really, truly means to take responsibility in your business.
Because mastering the concept of really, taking true responsibility is very often the key to the floodgates. It’s the key to unlocking the prison cell of overwhelm and stepping outside into the sunshine of profitability and pride. Happy days – let’s all do that! 😀
OK, so what do I really mean by responsibility? Because one of the absolute joys of building a business is that you’re already responsible for absolutely everything – from budgeting and strategy, right up to bookkeeping and brew making!
So how could you possibly NOT be taking responsibility?
Well, you’ll need to watch this week’s vlog to really understand (because I can explain in 5 minutes on video what it would take me the rest of the year to try and get across by email!)
But in a nutshell, taking responsibility is about making constant, proactive choices and taking ownership for the decisions you make and the actions you take. As an example – the last time you planned to work ON your business but you got side-tracked – you made a decision to allow yourself to get side-tracked. It may well have been a sub-conscious, auto-pilot decision. But that’s because you just went with the flow instead of taking true responsibility and making a conscious, deliberate choice about what to do with your time.
I can honestly say that this is the one principle that consistently makes the biggest difference to the pace of progress my own clients make.
Those people who recognise the typical excuses and ditch them once and for all, are the ones who earn more and develop a business that runs they way they want it to, instead of simply running them ragged!
So, please watch the video to find out more and understand how this might be playing out in your marketing, your time management, your strategy, your cashflow and pretty much everything else under the sun!
And if you know that what I’m saying makes sense, but you still feel as thought you need a regular nudge or a frequent kick to remind you to stay focused, take a look at the different ways I can support you here and then use the website contact page to arrange a chinwag with me: