Your Most Important Client!
I had one of those funny moments a few weeks ago at a networking event. I overheard somebody sharing some advice I’d given at an event they’d attended a few weeks earlier.
They didn’t credit me with being the person who’d introduced them to this idea. And a few years ago that would have really annoyed me. How VERY dare they! 😤 These days I’m perfectly happy knowing that my advice has hit the mark and is being passed on to other business owners so the lesson and the benefit spreads.
Happy days!
So, what was this remarkable, life-changing, world-beating piece of advice I can hear you cry!
Well … it was all about the importance of treating yourself as your most important client. And not being embarrassed, guilty or stressed about putting yourself first.
It’s all too easy, while you’re growing your business, to think that the customer is king, that they have to come first because they pay the bills, and that anything you want to do to develop your own business has to be squeezed into the minuscule gaps that customers so graciously leave you.
But in the vast majority of cases that’s not a good strategy for growth.
Let’s look at one really simple example of how this works … if you’re too busy delivering for customers to develop the systems and processes that will help you build simplicity, consistency and leverage into your business then you’ll hugely limit your capacity. And you’ll reduce the number of customers you can support. And that will reduce the amount of profit you can make.
Those two results are bad for your business AND bad for your customers!
Because if you can only serve a limited number of customers your price per customer will need to be higher. And if your systems are slap dash then your service will be clunky and inconsistent.
Which is why dedicating clear time and focus to develop your own business is the best thing you can do for your customers. And that’s not to mention the fact that it helps you create the kind of work life balance that you were determined to have when you first started your business.
So, if you know you’d love to prioritise yourself more and find dedicated time to focus on all your brilliant growth ideas have a look at this week’s tips video. I’ve explained more about the concept of treating yourself as your most important customer and given you 3 key ways you can put it into practice right now so you can unlock the simplicity and profitability in your business straight away, no delay.
And if you know this is something you need to work on but you feel bamboozled by the how, when or why, just keep scrolling to see 3 great ways I can help you in your business today.
If you’re determined to grow your business but constantly struggle to find the time, energy or brainspace to make that happen, take a look at the different ways I can support you here, then use the website contact page to arrange a chinwag with me: