Not Your Typical Business Coach!
I’ve found myself having a few conversations recently about ‘typical’ Business Coaches and why I’m not one of them!
You’ll never find me wittering on about helping you to hit £10k months or 7 figure years.
Because that stuff sounds really exciting as a marketing promise doesn’t it? But when you cut through it, it’s all just shallow promises that’s much more abut generating leads for the Business Coach than it is about helping the clients to achieve real results.
Now don’t get me wrong, hitting new income targets is definitely a great result. And one that any coach should be proud to play a part in.
But half the reason I talk about it being a shallow promise is that it’s not actually what most people want. It’s easy to get sucked in by the marketing and picture avalanches of cash landing in your bank account every week and then visualise the perfect life that would lead to. So, yes, it does sound exciting.
But the core truth, proven a bazillion times by psychologists is that money in itself isn’t actually a motivator. Whereas understanding the purpose that money has for you will connect much more deeply with your deep personal motivations.
Too many people chase the money in business, and then realise it wasn’t what they really wanted after all.
A lot of my clients aren’t that motivated by money. They want enough for a decent lifestyle and to pay for people to do all the stuff in business that they don’t enjoy, but they’re not just chasing more and more money.
And often they feel embarrassed to admit to that because they think that’s what everyone in business is supposed to do and they’ll sounds like a slacker if they admit to it.
It’s sometimes hard for me to explain the benefits my clients see through working with me. Because talking about hitting personal goals by creating a business that gives you a better life rather than taking over it completely isn’t as sexy a message as those promises of big cash revenues is it?
I’m not a typical Business Coach because I believe you can be ambitious and driven AND also have a life, a family and time to relax and enjoy what you’ve worked for.
It’s hugely important to me that my clients get value from working with me. I expect most of my new clients to increase their revenue by more than my fees in the first 3 months we work together – so actually I’m priceless! 😃
But their results are often about time, their team, their systems, their customers, their pride, their sanity, and a million other things!
Which is why this week’s video talks about the kind of results you should expect to see through working with a Business Coach.
So, please take a look and see if there’s something there that really resonates with you. And if you’d like to explore that further send me a message through my contact page and let’s arrange a chinwag..